North Wales Police wants to know what matters to you.
We want to better understand what is like to live in your area so we can work with residents to help tackle any issues that you may have.
Your opinions will help influence the Force’s neighbourhood priorities in your community.
North Wales Talking
1. What is your county?
To provide a location, click and hold on the red pin on the map below and "drag" it to the approximate location you associate with this issue. If the issue is further away you can drag to the edge of the map and it will move, or use the zoom tools to see a wider area. Alternatively, enter the area in the box below and click "search" to reset the map to that area. Please be assured that your answers are stored securely in a government accredited system and can only be viewed by authorised administrators.
Please tell us where you live
Overall Experience
2. How confident are you in North Wales Police generally?
3. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements about the police in your local area? The police in this area…
6. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the following statements?
The local police in this area…..
Please select an option for each row
2. What are the issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working between police, partners and community members to resolve? (Tick all that apply)
Please select your options
4. How safe do you feel?
Please select an option for each row
From the issues ticked which is your one top issue which is affecting you most.
Please enter your top issue
3. Are there any OTHER issues affecting you in your community which would benefit from joint working not listed above?
Feelings of Safety
Why do you say that you feel very unsafe at home?
Why do you say that you feel very unsafe on the street in the daytime?
Why do you say that you feel very unsafe on the street at night?
Confidence in North Wales Police